![Keynote: Why web tech is like this - Steve Sanderson]()
Steve Sanderson is a Microsoft MVP and the creator of the popular JavaScript framework, Blazor. In this talk, he will share his thoughts on why web development is the way it is today, and what we can do to make it better.
![From Web Engineer to Apache APISIX PMC]()
ApacheCon@Home 2020: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1oZ4y1V7Zi/
Hello, I’m Zhiyuan Ju from API7.ai, and I’m a member of Apache APISIX PMC, a high-performance open-source gateway project. I’m a member of Apache APISIX PMC, a …
![freeCodeCamp: The growth path of a full-stack engineer]()
Original: https://chinese.freecodecamp.org/news/fcc-devtalk-ju-zhi-yuan-growth-path-of-an-excellent-full-stack-web-developer/
This time, our guest, Zhiyuan, is a 97-year-old kid. Since we met in 2017, I’ve been impressed by this little …