Google E-A-T Gudelines

Most of the following items are from Anna Crowe.

  1. E-A-T means Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness: The expertise of the creator of the content. The authoritativeness of the creator of the content, the content itself, and the website. The trustworthiness of the creator of the content, the content itself, and the website.

  2. High E-A-T news articles should be produced with journalistic professionalism – they should contain factually accurate content presented in a way that helps users achieve a better understanding of events. High E-A-T news sources typically have published established editorial policies and robust review processes.

  3. E-A-T is not technically a ranking factor, but it can impact your content’s rank. E-A-T is a guideline Google uses to determine what content is high-quality and should be ranked higher and part of several different aspects of its algorithm. So while it’s not a direct ranking factor, it can have an impact on your overall search rankings indirectly.

  4. Help users. Be created by an expert. Be posted on an authoritative site. Be trustworthy. Be updated regularly.

  5. Tell Visitors Who You Are. E.g., Author page, Team page.

  6. Work With Experts to Create Content. Rather than hiring ghostwriters to produce half-baked content on high-click key terms, work with experts in the field to create content Google will trust. This might mean interviewing a scientist, hiring an expert to guest post, or working with another company to publish top-notch research.

  7. Make the Purpose of Your Content Clear: Do you want to inform, explain, convince, or describe? Use titles and headings that make the purpose of your content extremely clear and use straightforward language.

  8. Update Content Regularly. Keep your content accurate and up to date by including content updates in your SEO strategy. Google will reward you for keeping your content fresh and relevant.

  9. Link to High-Quality Sources: If you want to be seen as an expert, then you need to rely on real data.

Learn More

  1. What Exactly Is E-A-T & Why Does It Matter to Google?
  2. Google’s Search Quality Rater Guidelines