
Pillar Pages

Pillar Pages

Pillar pages are the foundation of your website. They are the pages that you want to rank for your most important keywords. The following items are from Lee Wilson.

Keynote: Why web tech is like this - Steve Sanderson

Keynote: Why web tech is like this - Steve Sanderson

Steve Sanderson is a Microsoft MVP and the creator of the popular JavaScript framework, Blazor. In this talk, he will share his thoughts on why web development is the way it is today, and what we can do to make it better.

Zhenfang Han

Zhenfang Han

Best wishes to Zhenfang!

2023 Happy New Year

2023 Happy New Year

In 2023, gain knowledge, be patient, do more exercise, and be more focus.

Cloudfront with Image Optimization

Cloudfront with Image Optimization

This blog is built with Hugo, and served by GitHub Pages. All static images are uploaded to AWS S3, and served by another domain, This CDN domain maps to AWS Cloudfront: Client -> …

Harry Potter, Twilight

Harry Potter, Twilight

I never thought Junjun would like to watch foreign movies 🎬. In my impression, they are all palace dramas such as Empresses in the Palace and New Life Begins. Twilight is something I knew since middle school. My deskmate at that time was particularly …